Saturday, August 23, 2014

Approaching Beta

As was mentioned previously, two conditions have to be met for us to move from our Closed Alpha to the Closed Beta: the final release of Minecraft 1.8 and Bukkit support for 1.8 as well. Mojang recently released 1.8-pre1, which means the final release is expected very soon! Once we are running the final release of 1.8, we will be able to do a lot more work on the server; once Bukkit supports the new release, we will install it after a backup and move to the Closed Beta stage to set that up. Once the server seems to be in order and running, we'd love to do an Open Beta and invite people who have applied to join the server to test it with us… but we need more applications for that to be a possibility! Remember that applying is free (although donations are appreciated and we cannot launch without them) and the link to the join form is accessible from the Noctis MC website!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Hosting Options

The server is still in the Closed Alpha stage, but we continue to move forward! We are ready at this point to progress to the Closed Beta stage as soon as Mojang publicly releases 1.8 and Bukkit is updated to support it as well. Once that has happened, it's just a matter of how long it will take to set up the desired plug-ins... and at that point, our plan is to progress to an Open Beta where those with accepted applications will hopefully be able to start playing on the server so we can test our setup and fix any issues with that before hitting our 1.0.0 release!

As we wait for Mojang's final release of 1.8, research into hosting options has begun. We will likely use the same hosting service we use for the main Superstes Noctis server -- MCPro Hosting -- and choose one of their plans that supports Bukkit servers. In order to choose a plan, we will need a rough estimate of how much interest people have in joining at the beginning phase of the server. Applying at this point can potentially gain you access to our open beta, so please click here to fill out an application if you haven't done so already! We are not sure at this point how applications will work after the 1.0.0 launch, so your best chance to get access to the server is to apply before it is public.

While we continue to wait, (sorry about that, we're going as fast as we can!) be sure to check out timmc94's videos on the development on this server. We also have a dedicated YouTube channel which we plan to upload videos to also, at a later date.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Now Accepting Applications!

While we are not yet ready to review your applications and make any decisions on whether or not you can join, our form for signup is available now and we would love to get your feedback!

In fact, early responses would really help us figure things out earlier in regards to how many people want to join and knowing a bit about the applicants, including their play styles.

Click here to fill out an application!

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns you can send us an email at and we will act accordingly. Thanks again for your continuing support of the server, and we cannot wait to be in-game with you later this year!

Donate to the Noctis Fan Server:
Leave your Minecraft username for in-game benefits once the server launches!

Without your support through donations, the Noctis Fan Server cannot exist. Please consider a donation of whatever amount you can afford to give!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Server Funding

Once Minecraft 1.8 is officially announced and Bukkit is updated to support it, the server will move from Alpha to Beta and we will be testing how it behaves with the plug-ins selected while completing work on spawn.

In order for the server to move from Beta to the Release, we need funding to host the server! While payment is not required to be a member of the Noctis community, donations will get it live -- then keep it running -- and will be rewarded in-game as well if you leave your Minecraft username in the comments when you donate. The amount of people who can join the server depends on how much money we can raise; with more funds available, we can purchase a larger server plan and have more members. We are not raising funds for profit, all donations will be used to keep the server running.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns you can send us an email at and we will act accordingly. Thanks again for your continuing support of the server, and we cannot wait to be in-game with you later this year!

Donate to the Noctis Fan Server:

Leave your Minecraft username for in-game benefits once the server launches!